770 backpacker

今天我们要学的词是backpacker。 Backpack是背包的意思,后面加上"-er," 就成了背着背包徒步旅行的人,简称背包客。"A backpacker packs all his or her stuff into a backpack," 背包客把所有东西都塞在一个大背包里。

"Backpackers are generally very social and willing to give advice to fellow backpackers they meet on the road," 背包客一般都很友好,愿意向路上遇到的同行者提供建议。不过,独自外出旅行也会有危险。就在几天前,"A 19-year-old British backpacker missing in Australia for 12 days was found alive," 英国一个19岁的背包客在澳大利亚失踪12天后终于被找到了。好的,今天我们学习的词是backpacker...

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