799 addiction

今天我们要学的词是addiction。 Addiction, 上瘾。Alcohol addiction, 喝酒上瘾,gambling addiction, 赌博上瘾。现在有很多人上网玩游戏上瘾。"The first in-patient treatment center for Internet addiction has opened in Washington state," 美国华盛顿州开办了全美第一家专门治疗因特网上瘾的住院中心。

还记得南卡罗来纳州州长桑福德抛下一切,跑到阿根廷去见情人的丑闻吗?桑福德的太太接受采访时说,"She believes that her husband's affair is almost like an addiction to alcohol or pornography," 她觉得丈夫对外遇就好象是别人对酒精或色情上瘾一样。好的,今天我们学习的词是addiction...

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