813 off the record

今天我们要学的词是off the record。 Off the record, 意思是非正式的,不供公开发表的。美国总统奥巴马在接受采访前聊天时骂不久前在MTV颁奖典礼上闹场的嘻哈歌手坎耶.韦斯特是个混球。"President Obama made the comment during off-the-record chatter," 奥巴马总统是在私下聊天时说的这句话。

"A reporter, who didn't realize the comment was made off-the-record, immediately put it on Twitter," 一个记者没有意识到奥巴马的话是不公开的,立即发表在了微博客网站Twitter上。好的,今天我们学习的词是off the record...

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