820 payoff

今天我们要学的词是payoff。 Payoff, 意思是回报、报偿。"The lottery winner got a big payoff from a small investment," 乐透彩中奖者小小的投资得到了巨额回报。球队新老板花了好几千万美元,重新建设这次队伍,"This is expected to be the payoff season," 估计这个赛季就能看到成果。

公共场所禁烟是否真的有利健康?最新研究显示,"Cities that have implemented smoking bans get a big payoff," 实行禁烟的城市得到了显著回报。这些地方禁烟第一年的心脏病发病率就比其它地方少了17%。好的,今天我们学习的词是payoff...

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