848 root

今天我们要学的词是root。 Root, 做为动词,是为某人打气,捧场的意思。"The whole town is rooting for the local high school football team," 整个小镇都为当地高中橄榄球校队加油。"I always root for the underdog," 我总喜欢为估计会输的一方打气。"Everyone was rooting for the runners at the finish line," 所有人都在终点为参赛选手加油。

今年美国职棒大联盟冠军总决赛是纽约扬基队和费城人队,两个队都是新泽西棒球迷的死敌。"New Jersey baseball fans had to decide which arch-enemy to root for," 新泽西棒球球迷要在两个死敌中间选择为谁助威加油。好的,今天我们学习的词是root...

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