913 drawn-out

今天我们要学的词是drawn-out。 Drawn-out, 意思是冗长的。"The team's drawn-out search for a head coach is finally coming to an end," 球队长时间来寻找主教练的努力终于有了结果。"The drawn-out contract negotiation may be headed to court," 合同谈判长时间无法达成协议,最后可能要在法庭上见。"President Obama admitted that the drawn-out health care debate has hurt his administration and his party," 美国总统奥巴马承认,关于医保改革的冗长的辩论对美国政府和他所在的民主党都造成了伤害。好的,今天我们学习的词是drawn-out...
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