968 come to grips with

昨天我姐姐给我打电话,抱怨他们家的家庭战争。我姐夫自己开了一家进出口公司,本想让子承父业,可我外甥偏要当个软件工程师,让我姐夫备受打击,过了好长时间,他才慢慢接受现实。这让我想到了一句习惯用语,那就是: come to grips with.

Grip本身是抓,掌握的意思; come to grips with, 意思就是去面对,着手处理。就像上面的例子里,我外甥不愿意继承父业,一心要当软件工程师,我姐夫虽然失望,但最后还是肯于面对事实, he has come to grips with my nephew's decision not to take over the family business.


例句-1:On September 11, 2001, four U.S. planes were overtaken by terrorists. Their dramatic crashes resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people. In some ways, Americans have come to grips with how that day changed the country forever. But it remains a difficult experience for many to deal with.


是啊!尤其是对那些在911恐怖袭击事件中失去亲人的人来说,这段经历一定不堪回首。我记得上高中时,养了十几年的猫死了,I had a hard time coming to grips with the loss of my cat. 我难过了好长时间,才能面对这个事实。


我朋友Amy最近刚离婚。She still hasn't come to grips with the fact that her ex would leave her for a younger woman. 她到现在还无法接受前夫为了一个比她年轻的女人而离她而去的现实。


George had always held a low opinion of immigrants. One day he was driving to work when a truck hit his car and knocked him unconscious. He awoke to find that he'd been rescued by a woman who'd grown up in Mexico. That's when he came to grips with his prejudice. It was time to face his dislike of people he didn't really know.



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