969 cook someone's goose

我刚开编辑会回来。老板通知我们,这个星期的节目要另嘉宾,因为别的制片人把我们原来请的嘉宾挖走了。我同事听到这个消息,气急败坏。这也让我想到了一句习惯用语,那就是: cook someone's goose.

Cook意思是煮,goose是鹅。连起来,to cook someone's goose, 可并不是煮鹅的意思,而是指打碎某人的计划,或者毁了一个人的名誉。

在上面的例子中,别人挖走了我们的嘉宾,我同事气急败坏,she is probably going to cook the guy's goose who stole our guest. 她八成要狠狠地整一下那个挖走我们嘉宾的家伙。


例句-1:Brad's girlfriend should have told him that she was out with another guy last weekend. When he found out, he was more than jealous. He was furious. Not only did he break up with her, but he also sent an e-mail to all of their friends about what she's done. That cooked her goose. Her reputation was ruined.


这女孩确实做得不对。可是Brad也够狠的。大家还记得前一阵子国际货币基金组织前总裁卡恩的性丑闻么? The sex scandal cooked his goose. 那次性丑闻彻底毁了他的名誉。


我上大学的时候有个好朋友,她因为室友总是偷吃她的食物,所以决定要报复。她在烤饼干了放了泻药,she really cooked her roommate's goose that time. 她那次真是把自己的室友好好修理了一顿。


例句-2:Our plane is leaving in an hour. And here we are stuck in some of the worst traffic we've ever seen. If we don't make that flight, we'll miss our connection. Then our goose will be cooked! We won't get to the port in time to board our cruise. Our vacation plans will be ruined.

这段话是说:我们的飞机一小时之后就要起飞了。可现在我们却被塞在路上。如果我们赶不上这班飞机,就会错过转机。那我们的计划就完全被打乱了! 我们也没办法按时登上游轮。那我们的渡假计划就彻底泡汤了。

渡假计划被打乱是最让人沮丧的事情。这里用了被动语态,our goose will be cooked. 意思跟cook our goose是一样的,就是破坏了我们的计划。

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