984 applicant

今天我们要学的词是applicant。 Applicant, 申请人。 "Duke University had a record 27,000 freshman applicants this year," 杜克大学今年申请入学的大学一年级新生多达两万七千人,创下了最高记录。与此同时, "Yale only admitted less than 8% of its applicants," 耶鲁大学招收的新生人数不到申请总人数的百分之八。

今日美国报报道说,虽然警察和消防队急需招人,但报名的人却往往过不了体能测试这一关。比如说在密西西比州的杰克逊,体能测试下来, "More than a third of applicants could not pass," 三分之一以上的申请者都不合格。好的,今天我们学习的词是applicant...

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