阿訇:反对建造纽约清真寺有政治因素 Imam Says Politics Behind NY Islamic Center Opposition

30 August, 2010


The imam behind a proposal to build an Islamic center near the site of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks says opposition to the project is linked to upcoming U.S. elections.
The comments by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf were published Monday in the Abu Dhabi-based newspaper The National. Rauf is on a tour sponsored by the U.S. State Department to discuss Muslim life in the United States and promote religious tolerance.
Rauf said there is no doubt that election season has had a major impact upon the nature of the discourse" about the Islamic center. The U.S. will hold congressional elections in November.
The imam told the paper that a small minority is leading the opposition to the center. 
Opinion polls in the U.S. show more than 60 percent of Americans oppose the construction of the project near the attack site.