以色列海军拦截加沙附近海上活动人士 Israeli Navy Intercepts Boatload of Activists Near Gaza

28 September, 2010


以色列当局扣押这些活动分子进行询问。以色列国防部队的发言人说,以色列海军不得不在防范恐怖分子的同时被他所谓的“挑衅”事件分心,这是非常不幸的。4 个月前,以色列突击队登上一支土耳其船只,打死9名亲巴勒斯坦活动人士。该船试图带领一支救援船队冲破封锁。 

The Israeli navy has intercepted a sailboat carrying Jewish activists trying to reach Gaza, in defiance of an Israeli naval blockade. Israeli forces boarded the catamaran Tuesday off the coast of Gaza and forced it to head toward the southern Israeli port of Ashdod. The Israeli military said there was no violence during the takeover.

Israeli authorities have detained the activists for questioning. An Israeli Defense Forces spokesperson said it was unfortunate that the Israeli navy had to be distracted from preventing terror to deal with what he called a "provocation." The incident comes four months after nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed during a raid by Israeli commandos on a Turkish ship that was leading a convoy attempting to break the blockade.