48 scandal

今天学的词是scandal。Scandal就是丑闻,丢脸的事。你肯定会说,噢,这个词我熟悉,听多了。报导说,最近两年来, "...national and local scandals have polluted the political atmosphere for GOP candidates," 全国和地方上出现的丑闻污染了共和党候选人的政治气氛。

全世界各地都有丑闻,举不胜举。水门事件迫使美国前总统尼克松辞职下台, "Watergate scandal forced Nixon to resign." 中国台湾地区领导人陈水扁和他家人的丑闻 - "scandals surrounding Taiwan President and his family," 导致人们静坐示威要他下台。上海的陈良宇因腐败丑闻被免去职务, "A Shanghai official was fired due to financial scandal." 还要举例子吗?够了吧!今天学的词是scandal...

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