53:turning point

今天学的词组是turning point。 Turning point就是转折点。 两名美国科学家荣获2006年的诺贝尔物理学奖。报导说: "The Nobel committee praised their findings as a scientific turning point," 诺贝尔委员会赞扬他们的研究成果为科学的转折点。

转折点都是有一定意义的。比如,南北战争是美国历史上的一个转折点,"The Civil War was a turning point in American history." 大学毕业是这年轻人一生中的转折点,"Graduation from university was the turning point in the life of this young man." 中彩票能成为一个人生活的转折点吗?Would winning the lottery be a turning point of one's life? 那还用说吗?今天学的词组是turning point...

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