165:over a barrel; over one's dead body

Over a barrel  
Over one's dead body  
我们今天再来讲两个和over有关的习惯用语。第一个是: over a barrel. Barrel就是一只装东西的桶。那么,什么是over a barrel 呢? Over a barrel是一个人出于某种原因受人牵制,一切都得听从那个人的意志行事,别无选择。我们举个例子来看看在实际生活中over a barrel 是怎么用的。下面是一个饭馆的老板告诉我们他和他的合夥人之间存在的问题。他说:
"My partner wants to buy out my share but he's only offering half what it's worth. Of course, he has me over a barrel because I'm anxious to retire and go to Florida and I can't find anybody else who wants to buy."




"My partner wants to buy out my share but he's only offering half what it's worth. Of course, he has me over a barrel because I'm anxious to retire and go to Florida and I can't find anybody else who wants to buy."


"That old lady has no children of her own, and she's too sick now to take care of herself. She has to depend on her niece for help. Of course her niece has her over a barrel -- she made the old lady transfer most of her savings to her own account."




"That old lady has no children of her own, and she's too sick now to take care of herself. She has to depend on her niece for help. Of course her niece has her over a barrel -- she made the old lady transfer most of her savings to her own account."

下面我们要讲的一个习惯用语是:over one's dead body。Dead就是死,body就是一个人的身体。Over one's dead body按字面来解释就成了在某人尸体之上。但是,实际上,over one's dead body是一个常用语,意思是:竭尽全力来阻止一个计划。我们来举一个例子。下面是一个母亲对女儿宣布结婚的消息做出的反应:

"You mean you want to marry this man twice your age who's been divorced two times already? You'll only do it over my dead body!"




"You mean you want to marry this man twice your age who's been divorced two times already? You'll only do it over my dead body!"


"The school board wants to close our grade school and bus our kids to another school ten miles away. I went to the school board meeting and told them they do that over my dead body! "



"The school board wants to close our grade school and bus our kids to another school ten miles away. I went to the school board meeting and told them they do that over my dead body! "

我们今天给大家讲了两个由over这个字组成的常用语。它们是:over a barrel, over one's dead body。Over a barrel是指一个人出于某种无奈,只能听凭别人摆布,别人让他怎么干他就得怎么干; over one's dead body是想方设法阻止某一计划的实现。