147: talk up

今天我们要学的词组是talk up。 Talk是讲话, talk-up就是大声讲,或是大胆地讲。比如有人在台下呼吁说:“大声讲,让我们听到你,” "Talk up so we can hear you." 还比如,孩子在学校受了欺负,家长鼓励他说, "Talk up and the school will help you," “大胆讲, 学校会帮助你的。”

Talk-up也有宣传,宣扬的意思。布什总统在田纳西州宣传他的医疗保险改革计划,"Bush talked up his new plan to increase medical coverage of the uninsured." 布什主张修改税法,使没有保险的人能够购买更多的医疗保险。今天我们学习的词组是talk up......

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