157: run its course

今天我们要学的词组是run its course。 Run its course的意思是走完该走的历程,按常规进行。 布什总统在切尼付总统的前办公室主任Lewis Libby被判犯有四项重罪之后表示不会马上赦免Libby。

"President Bush said he was pretty much going to stay out of the case until the legal process had run its course," 布什总统说, 他在法律程序结束之前不会干预这个案件。 Libby有可能被判处一年半到三年徒刑。Libby的支持者呼吁总统在Libby被判刑前赦免他。布什担心马上赦免可能会引起不满情绪。今天我们学习的词组是run its course, run its course, run its course.

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