196 shatter

今天我们要学的词儿是shatter。 Shatter是砸碎、破坏的意思。"The explosion shattered the windows," 意思是说爆炸震碎了窗玻璃。上周末新上映的电影蜘蛛人的第三部打破了全球票房纪录,媒体报道说,"Spiderman 3 shattered global box-office records."

很多东西都可能被打碎。打破沉默就是 "the silence was shattered." "The scandal shattered his reputation," 意思是这起丑闻破坏了他的声誉。"Although the disease shattered his health," 虽然疾病损害了他的健康,"nothing could shatter his dream of becoming a writer," 没有任何事情能够动摇他成为作家的梦想。今天我们学习的词是shatter...

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