220 downplay

今天我们要学的词儿是downplay。 Downplay something是指对某事轻描淡写。"The coach downplayed the team's loss in the season opener,"意思是教练并不看重球队赛季首场比赛的失利。"The diplomat downplayed the breakdown of the talks," 意思是这名外交官对会谈破裂轻描淡写。

一些亚洲货币对美元的比价最近显著上涨,可能对出口行业带来负面影响。但是媒体报道说,"Government officials downplayed the impact of stronger currencies,"意思是政府官员并不认为货币升值会带来严重影响。好的,今天我们学习的词儿是downplay...

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