224 routine

今天我们要学的词儿是routine。 Routine是常规的意思。Routine checkup是定期体检。Routine conference是例行会议。我们应该把锻炼变成日常生活的一部分,可以说 "We should make exercise a part of our daily routine."

希尔顿集团女继承人帕丽斯.希尔顿的父母探监时受到优待,引起了其它探视者的不满。不过,监狱发言人说,"It is routine for high-profile inmates to receive visitors during lunch when the visiting room is closed," 意思是重要在押犯常常会在中午吃饭,暂停探视的时候会客。好的,今天我们学习的词儿是routine...

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