225 stamp out

今天我们要学的词儿是stamp out。 Stamp out是消除,消灭的意思,一般用于不好的,或是危险的事物。To stamp out crime是消灭犯罪,to stamp out racism是消除种族歧视。

"The companies vowed to stamp out piracy," 意思是这些公司发誓要消除盗版。随着北京2008年奥运会的临近,中国政府正在大力推广礼仪教育。媒体报道说,"Chinese officials have been trying to stamp out unseemly practices like spitting and littering," 意思是中国官员努力消除随地吐痰和乱扔垃圾等不得体的举止。好的,今天我们学习的词儿是stamp out...

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