876 bargaining chips

今天我们要学的词是bargaining chips。 Bargaining chips, 是筹码的意思。"The hostages were used as bargaining chips during the standoff between the bank robbers and the police," 银行劫匪在跟警察对峙的过程中,把人质做为筹码。

伊朗当局宣布,要对三个跨境进入伊朗被拘押的美国人进行审判。"There are concerns in the U.S. that Iran will use the three as bargaining chips in talks over its nuclear programs," 美国有人担心,伊朗会把这三个人做为伊朗核项目的谈判筹码。好的,今天我们学习的词是bargaining chips...

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