946 centerpiece

今天我们要学的词是centerpiece。 Centerpiece, 有主要特点的意思。 "The governor has made job creation the centerpiece of his tenure," 州长把创造就业做为自己任期内的核心工作。华尔街日报劳资双方不久前达成协议。 "The centerpiece of the deal is a 17-month wage freeze," 协议的核心内容是工资水平冻结17个月。

星期天晚上,美国国会通过了历史性的医保改革议案。 "The health care bill was the centerpiece of President Obama's domestic agenda," 这项医保改革议案是奥巴马国内政策的核心议题。好的,今天我们学习的词是centerpiece...

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