1071 call off

今天我们要学的词是call off。 To call off, 意思是取消或推迟。 "The wedding was called off because of flooding," 婚礼因为发大水而被迫推迟。 "A planned strike was called off to allow further negotiations," 原定罢工推迟,让双方能继续谈判。 "The men's U.S. Open final was called off Sunday because of persistent rain," 美国网球公开赛男子决赛星期天因为一直下雨被推迟。 "A Florida pastor finally called off the plan to burn copies of The Quran," 佛罗里达州的一个牧师最后决定放弃焚烧古兰经的计划。好的,今天我们学习的词是call off...
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