340 layoff

今天我们要学的词是layoff。 Layoff, 是解雇的意思。"IBM recently cut 195 jobs across the U.S. in a company-wide layoff," IBM公司最近在全美各地裁员195人。最新统计数字显示,"Planned U.S. layoffs fell 12 percent in October," 美国十月份计划内的裁员总数降低了12%。

"The Pentagon has warned that as many as 200,000 contractors and civilian employees will face layoff if Congress continues to delay war funding," 美国五角大楼警告说,如果国会继续拖延对战争的拨款,多达20万名合同工和文职雇员就可能被解雇。好的,今天我们学习的词是layoff...

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