440 weather

今天我们要学的词是weather。 Weather, 在名词里是天气的意思,也可以指坏天气,作为动词,就引伸为经受和渡过难关。"Australian banks are weathering the turmoil in global credit markets relatively well," 澳大利亚的银行面对全球信贷市场动荡表现得相对不错。最新研究发现,"Incomes have fallen for the poor and have stagnated for middle-class families since the late 1990s, making it tougher for them to weather the economic downturn," 九十年代末以来,美国穷人家庭收入下降,中产家庭的收入原地踏步,使他们更难渡过经济下滑的时期。好的,今天我们学习的词是weather...
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