1096 trail

今天我们要学的词是trail。 Trail, 做为动词,有落后的意思。 "My team trailed by 7 points at half time," 比赛中场的时候,我们队落后七分。 "We trailed the other team 14-7," 我们7比14落后于对方。最近民调显示,在民主党这次中期选举最可能失守的53个选区内, "Democrats trailed their opponents, 48% to 44%," 民主党候选人的选民支持度44%比48%落后于竞选对手。 "Facebook became the second-largest online video viewing platform in the United States, but still trailing far behind Youtube," 脸谱网已成为美国网上收看录像的第二大平台,但还是远远落后于Youtube. 好的,今天我们学习的词是trail...
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