540 getaway

今天我们要学的词是getaway。 Getaway, 是逃跑的意思。 "The police found the getaway car in the robbery case," 警方找到了抢劫犯开的车。我们常说weekend getaway,这里的意思可不是逃跑,而是利用周末的时间跑出去玩。九月二号是美国劳工节,也标志着夏天的结束。 "Many families like to have a Labor Day getaway before school starts," 很多家庭都喜欢在学校开学前借着劳工节的机会最后出去玩一趟。 "The husband planned a romantic getaway for the couple's ten-year anniversary," 丈夫筹划了一次浪漫的假期,庆祝夫妇两人结婚十周年。好的,今天我们学习的词是getaway...
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