610 flunk

今天我们要学的词是flunk。 Flunk, 不及格。 "He flunked the physics exam and had to attend summer school," 他物理考试不及格,夏天必需去补习。 "65 % of the 400 Malaysian driving instructors flunked a surprise driving theory exam," 400名马来西亚驾驶教练接受了驾驶理论的抽查突击考试,结果其中65%的人都没有通过。 "According to a new study, 49 U.S. states flunk the college affordability test," 一项最新研究显示,在大学学费是否让美国家庭可以承担的问题上,49个州都不及格。只有加州勉强达标。好,今天我们学习的词是flunk...
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