1201 senior

今天我们要学的词是senior。 Senior, 有高级,资深的意思。最近提交美国国会的一份报告说, "Seventy-seven percent of senior officers in active military duty are white," 美国在职高级军官77%是白人。 "Google awarded $59 million in bonuses and equities to four of its senior executives," 谷歌公司发给四位高级主管价值5900万美元的奖金和股权。

日本地震海啸死亡人数持续上升。 "According to a senior police official, the death toll in one town alone could be more than 10,000," 据警方一位高级官员说,光是一个城镇的遇难者人数就可能超过一万人。好的,今天我们学习的词是senior...
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