1226 hard-hit

今天我们要学的词是hard-hit。 Hard-hit, 指受到严重打击或是伤害的。美国中西部和南部地区周末发生强烈风暴,造成四十多人丧生。 "The recovery efforts for the hard-hit areas will be a daunting task," 重灾区的重建工作将十分艰巨。 "American consumers are hard-hit by the rising gas prices," 汽油价格的大幅度上涨使美国消费者受到了巨大的影响。 "Japan's refining industry has been hard-hit by last month's earthquakes and tsunamis," 日本炼油工业受到了上个月地震和海啸的沉重打击。
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