1286 passionate

今天我们要学的词是passionate。 Passionate, 意思是热切的,强烈的。 "Thousands of South Koreans gathered in a passionate display of excitement after learning the city of Pyeongchang was named to host the 2018 Winter Olympics," 得知平昌获得2018年冬季奥运会主办权后,数千名韩国人聚在一起,热烈庆祝。 "There were passionate reactions after Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murdering her daughter," 法院判决凯西.安东尼杀害亲女罪名不成立后,公众反应强烈。 "John is passionate about sports," 乔治是个十足的体育爱好者。好的,今天我们学习的词是passionate...
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