1410 gift card

今天我们要学的词是gift card。Gift card, 就是可以在商场使用的代金卡。新年到了,亲朋好友们通常会互相交换礼物。 "If you don't know exactly what to buy, gift cards might be a good idea," 如果你不知道该买什么礼物,代金卡通常是个不错的选择。 "According to a recent survey, U.S. shoppers are expected to spend more money on gift cards this year than last year," 最近的一项调查显示,今年消费者对代金卡的购买量将超过去年。 "I always keep a couple of gift cards on hand just in case someone shows up unexpectedly," 我手头总是预备着几张代金卡,以防万一有什么朋友突然出现。好的,今天我们学习的词是gift card...

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