1541 power

今天我们要学的词是 power. Power is spelled p-o-w-e-r, power. Power 大家都知道,power是权力,但是power另外一个常用的意思是电力。美国首都华盛顿周边地区上周五晚上遭受暴风雨袭击。More than 640,000 homes and businesses across the region lost power during the storm. 华盛顿周边地区有64万多个住家和商店断电。For some, the power won't be back until the end of the week. 对某些人来说,可能要等到这个周末才会来电。A large number of public schools with summer programs are closed because of the power outage. 很多学校的暑期活动都因为断电而取消。
好的,今天我们学习的词是 power, power, power...
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