1568 across the board

今天我们要学的词是 across the board. Across the board 指所有人,所有方面。最新调查显示,The number of young adults living with their parents has risen across the board, no matter their age, race or geographic locations. 跟父母住在一起的年轻成年人全面增加,不论年龄,种族,也不论地理位置。美国房屋市场7月底公布的数字显示,Housing prices are up across the board from a month before. 跟一个月前的数字相比,房价普遍上涨。在福布斯杂志公布的最新大学排名中,普林斯顿名列第一。Princeton is doing really well across the board. 普林斯顿大学的各项表现都很出色。好的,今天我们学习的词是 across the board, across the board, across the board...
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