大赦国际:伊朗人权记录有积极迹象但仍然不佳 Amnesty International: Iran’s Rights Record Shows Some Positive Signs, Still Poor




大赦国际的报告说,对被关押者折磨和虐待 仍然十分普遍,而实施者不受任何法律惩罚。报告还说,鞭打、截肢和其它残酷的手法仍然继续使用。


Amnesty International says its new global report on human rights shows Iran’s record reflected some positive developments, but mostly remained poor, and in some areas worsened in the past year.

The London-based group’s annual State of the World’s Human Rights report for 2017/18, released on Thursday, accused Iranian authorities of “heavily suppressing” people’s rights to freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly and religious belief, and said those authorities also arrested and imprisoned “peaceful critics and others” after what it called “grossly unfair trials” before Islamic Revolutionary courts.

The Amnesty report said torture and other ill treatment of detainees “remained common and widespread” and were committed with impunity in Iran. It also said floggings, amputations and other cruel punishments “continued to be applied.”

Iran’s government had no immediate response to the rights group’s allegations.