1320 compulsion

今天我们要学的词是compulsion。 Compulsion, 可以用来指自身难以控制的冲动。最近一项研究发现,智能手机用户查看手机频率高达平均每天34次。 "Experts say the 'checking habit' has almost become a compulsion," 专家说,这种频繁查手机的习惯已经几乎变成了一种控制不住的行为。 "Scottish researchers linked western compulsion to consume an increasing amount of fatty foods and alcohol with climatic conditions," 苏格兰研究人员说,西方人不由自主想要摄取高热量食物和酒精的欲望与气候条件有关。好的,今天我们学习的词是compulsion...

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