教堂敲钟纪念卡特里娜飓风10周年 Church Bells Toll on US Gulf Coast Marking 10th Anniversary of Katrina






Former U.S. President Bill Clinton delivered the keynote address Saturday at an evening event in the southern city of New Orleans commemorating the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

He said residents of New Orleans have much to be proud of in their achievements since the devastation of Katrina, but should now rededicate themselves to eradicating the disparities of income, education and health.

Church bells tolled Saturday in New Orleans and across large swaths of the Gulf coast, as residents marked the 10th anniversary of the moment the deadly hurricane made landfall.

Dignitaries in the hard-hit city laid wreaths and eulogized the storm's 1,800 dead, while celebrating the recovery of the city and the resiliency of its inhabitants.