1552 law abiding

今天我们要学的词是 law-abiding. Law-abiding遵纪守法的。The new policy had law-abiding citizens worried about their privacy. 这个新政策让遵纪守法的公民感到担心,怕自己的隐私受到伤害。The released ex-con promised to live the life of a law-abiding citizen. 这个获释的犯人保证要做一个遵纪守法的人。美国总统奥巴马前一段时间宣布,The deportations of law-abiding illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children will stop. 政府要停止驱逐那些小时候就来到美国,但是一直遵纪守法的非法移民。好的,今天我们学习的词是 law-abiding, law-abiding, law-abiding...
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