一纽约男子涉嫌策划除夕袭击被逮捕 New York Man Arrested for Planning Attack on New Year’s Eve




声明说: “被告声称从一个国外伊斯兰国组织成员那里接收指令,计划在纽约州罗切斯特的一家餐厅-酒吧对平民从事武装袭击。”根据法庭记录,卢奇曼身上携带了小刀、大刀、胶带、扎带以及滑雪面罩等。”

The U.S. Justice Department says authorities have arrested a New York state resident accused of planning to kill civilians on New Year's Eve in the name of the Islamic State group.

A statement during an initial court appearance Thursday morning says Emanuel Lutchman, 25, was charged with attempting to provide material support to IS.  He was described in court records as a "self-professed Muslim convert with a criminal history dating back to approximately 2006 . . . as well as previous state mental hygiene arrests."  

The statement said, "the defendant, claiming to receive direction from an overseas [Islamic State] member, planned to commit an armed attack against civilians at a restaurant/bar located in the Rochester, New York, area."  Court records said Lutchman had armed himself with knives, a machete, duct tape, zip ties and ski masks.