俄指责乌克兰开炮造成俄罗斯人伤亡 Russia blames Ukraine shelling for the death of Russian civilian




她的母亲切丽科娃也在炮弹袭击时受伤。她在接受俄罗斯媒体采访时说, 一共有两枚炮弹,其中一枚落在房子后面。

俄罗斯威胁乌克兰说,乌克兰必须对死亡事件承担“不可逆转的后果”。莫斯科认为,炮弹是偏离目标,误入俄罗斯的。 乌克兰否认跟炮弹袭击有关。他们说,可能有破坏分子企图引起俄罗斯回应。


自从乌克兰政府6月30日拒不延长单方面停火以来,乌克兰东部的战斗更为激烈。 乌克兰政府军已把反政府武装赶出了几个城市,其中包括他们的主要据点斯洛文斯克。

Russia is blaming Ukraine for the cross-border artillery shelling death of a Russian civilian Sunday.  

Local media reported that the man killed was called Andrey Shulyatyev.
His mother, Feoktista Chelikova, who was injured by the same blast, told Russian broadcaster RU-RTR that there were two shell impacts, the first landing behind the house.

The Kremlin threatened Ukraine with "irreversible consequences" for the death, which Moscow said came from an errant artillery shell.  Ukraine has denied involvement, and said the shelling may have been the work of provocateurs seeking to trigger a Russian response.  

Meanwhile, Russian and Ukrainian news reports say Ukraine forces attacked the perimeter of the rebel-controlled city of Luhansk Sunday with armored columns, pushing into the outskirts of the city but failing to recapture it.

Fighting has surged in the east since the Ukrainian government refused to renew a unilateral cease-fire June 30.  Since then, Ukrainian forces have driven the rebels out of several cities, including Slovyansk, which was their main stronghold.