飓风哈德哈德肆虐,印度三人死亡 'Severe' Cyclone Kills 3 in India


A cyclone that India's Meteorological Department described as "very severe" has made landfall in the country's east, killing at least three people.

Cyclone Hudhud had winds of up to 195 kilometers per hour Sunday as its center came ashore at the port city of Visakhapatnam.

It knocked down power lines and hundreds of trees, and forced public transportation to be suspended.

Rescue workers were on call ahead of the storm's arrival and 370,000 people were evacuated from the densely populated areas it hit.

Visakhapatnam is the largest city in Andhra Pradesh and hosts a major Indian naval base.


飓风“哈德哈德”的中心星期天在印度港口城市维萨卡帕特南登陆的时候,风速达每小时195公里,刮倒了电线杆和数百棵树木,致使公共交通瘫痪。 救援人员在风暴到来前已经部署到位,有37万人被疏散。。
