1579 skirt

今天我们要学的词是skirt. Skirt当动词,意思是“躲避,逃避”。美国媒体报道, Iraq has been using financial institutions and oil smuggling operations to help Iran skirt economic sanctions imposed by the international community. 伊拉克一直在利用金融机构和石油走私帮助伊朗绕过国际社会对其实施的经济制裁。U.S. stocks rose slightly after Germany and France skirted the economic contraction that happened to the rest of the Eurozone. 德国和法国没有像欧元区其它国家那样出现经济萎缩,这一消息使美国股市出现小幅上涨。好的,今天我们学习的词是 skirt, skirt, skirt...
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