1649 lure

今天我们要学的词是 lure。Lure 动词,意思是引诱,诱惑。A man was arrested for trying to lure children into his car. 一名男子因为企图把孩子骗进他的车里而被捕。美国加州要对公司企业和高收入人群加税,在这种情况下,Nevada, which doesn't have a personal income tax, is trying to lure companies over. 不用缴纳个人所得税的内华达州,正设法把公司企业吸引到自己这里来。感恩节过后的黑色星期五是美国假日购物高潮的开始。Retailers employed various strategies to lure consumers into the stores. 零售商们采取各种策略,将消费者吸引到店里来。好的,今天我们学习的词是 lure, lure, lure....
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