2356 inch closer

今天我们要学的词是 inch closer. To inch closer 是逐渐接近的意思。美国几家轮胎公司正在加紧研发无气轮胎。Airless tires that don't puncture are inching closer to a production reality. 不会被扎的无气轮胎距离投入生产越来越近了。Researchers are inching closer towards the development of a treatment and cure for Dengue fever, which affects an estimated 400 million people each year. 研究人员寻找登革热治疗方法的努力取得了进展,全球每年有大约四亿人口感染登革热。好的,今天我们学习的词是 inch closer, inch closer, inch closer...

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