2897 captivate

今天我们要学的词是captivate。Captivate动词,意思是迷住、吸引。President Rodrigo Duterte's son and son-in-law appeared before the Senate to deny involvement in a drug smuggling case that has captivated the Philippines. 罗德里戈·杜特尔特总统的儿子与女婿在参议院否认参与毒品走私,这起案件吸引了菲律宾人的热切关注。 Four cast members of the Netflix hit sci-fi series “Stranger Things” captivated fans at the annual comics convention in Manila, the Philippines. 在菲律宾马尼拉的年度动漫展上,网飞公司大热科幻剧集《怪奇物语》的四名演员迷住了一众粉丝。好的,我们今天学习的词是captivate, captivate, captivate...

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