778 concrete

今天我们要学的词是concrete。 Concrete具体的,实质性的。美中战略与经济对话星期二结束。美联社报道说,"The United States and China ended two days of high-level talks with few concrete results," 美中结束了为期两天的高层会谈,没有达成实质性成果。

印度总理辛格星期三发表声明,"Mr. Singh made it clear that there would be no composite dialogue until Pakistan takes more concrete measures on terrorism directed from its soil against India," 辛格明确表示,除非巴基斯坦采取具体措施,打击在巴基斯坦境内针对印度发动的恐怖行动,否则双方不会有任何综合性对话。好的,今天我们学习的词是concrete...

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