812 prestigious

今天我们要学的词是prestigious。 Prestigious声名显赫的。"The Lasker Awards, one of the most prestigious prizes in medicine, is being rewarded to scientists working on stem cells and leukemia, and to New York's mayor for his fight to cut tobacco use," 医学界最具声望的大奖之一,拉斯克奖今年被授予从事干细胞和白血病研究的科学家,以及纽约市市长,奖励他为减少吸烟而做出的努力。

最受尊敬的职业未必是最赚钱的行当。"Firefighters, scientists and teachers are among the 10 most prestigious jobs in America," 消防队员、科学家和教师都在美国十大最受尊敬的职业之列。好的,今天我们学习的词是prestigious...

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