1256 cash-strapped

今天我们要学的词是 cash-strapped, cash is spelled c-a-s-h; strapped is spelled s-t-r-a-p-p-e-d; cash-strapped. Cash-strapped 缺少资金的。面对严重的财务压力,The cash-strapped Indiana University plans to close its School of Continuing Studies. 印第安纳大学因为缺少资金,计划关闭进修学院。Cash-strapped states are scaling back their efforts to provide medicines to HIV patients. 资金紧缺的州开始减少向艾滋病感染者提供药物的服务。与此同时,Cash-strapped cities are pressing non-profit organizations to financially help support city services. 资金短缺的城市要求非赢利机构出钱帮助支撑各项市政服务。好的,今天我们学习的词是 cash-strapped, cash-strapped, cash-strapped...
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