
    This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

    A clinic in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, works to support the health of people and forests. Kinari Webb is an American doctor who helped start the nonprofit group that operates the clinic. The group is known as ASRI. Dr. Webb says most communities value the local forests, but illegal logging is often their only way to earn money to pay for health care.
    印度尼西亚西加里曼丹的一家诊所致力于为人们健康及森林提供支持。美国医生克纳里·韦伯(Kinari Webb)帮助开设了这家经营诊所的非营利组织。该组织名为ASRI。韦伯医生表示,多数居民珍惜当地的森林,但非法采伐通常是他们赚取医疗费用的唯一途径。

    KINARI WEBB: "Even if you know that if you protect the forest that's good for your long-term well-being, if you're short-term well-being, like you have to get health care and you have to be able to pay for it, you're willing to do illegal logging to do that."

    The clinic is in Sukadana, a village outside Gunung Palung National Park. Each month someone from ASRI visits the surrounding villages to see if they are actively logging or burning land within the park. Communities that do not take part in illegal logging pay about forty percent less for health care than those that do.
    这家诊所位于Gunung Palung国家公园外围的苏卡达纳村庄。每个月ASRI组织成员将探访周边村庄,看他们是否在公园内主动采伐或烧荒。未参与非法采伐的居民比其他人少掏40%的医疗费。

    Also, the clinic uses a barter system. Patients can pay with things like handmade baskets, labor exchanges or young trees.

    Patients learn about environmental conservation as they wait to register at the clinic. Many of the seventy staff members also help communities learn about organic farming and other ways to earn money.

    In May ASRI started a program to identify forest "guardians." These guardians work with the community to try to prevent illegal logging. One of the guardians says he entered the program because ASRI helped his son recover from tuberculosis.

    The clinic is small and powered by electricity from a generator. On this day a nurse calms a four-year-old girl named Amelia. She was recently hurt in a motorbike accident. Later, Dr. Webb will see a baby with whooping cough and a mother and daughter with tuberculosis.

    Dr. Webb says people did not trust the clinic at first. They wanted to go to the only hospital in the area. Yet its resources are limited and villagers often have to travel more than two hours to get there.

    Now, people happily share stories about the clinic. Amelia's mother is one of them. She started going there when her daughter was eight months old. She says the treatment is good. Dr. Webb smiles when she hears that.

    KINARI WEBB: "Health care is an incredible key. And everyone everywhere around knows that we really care and that we are helping save their lives."
