
    From VOA Learning English, this is the Education Report.

    Experts estimate that by the end of the century, half of the 6,000 languages spoke on our planet will have disappeared. In west Africa, academics in Togo are trying to protect the small country's rich cultural and language heritage.

    At the University of Lome, Professor N'bueke Adovi Goeh-Akue shows a visitor some video groups of Gen cultural ritual. The Professor is a cultural heritage specialist, he is also himself a Gen, one of many ethnic groups in Togo.
    洛美大学教授N'bueke Adovi Goeh-Akue向一位访客展示了格恩族(Gen)文化仪式的一些视频。该教授是一名文化遗传专家,他本人也是格恩族人,格恩族是多哥众多民族中的一个。

    He is making films of Gen cultural customs with financial help from the United States. He says the Gen have an important place in Togo's history and culture. Gen rituals show how its people see their world; the interaction between the living and the dead, the seen and the unseen."

    The Gen believe in numerous voodoo deities. But today Professor Goeh-Akue says fewer and fewer Gen children go through voodoo initiation ceremonies. He says that increasingly the new generation does not recognize the importance of these cultural traditions.

    He says formal education and the spread of Christianity have reduced their influence. Many young people think traditional practices are uncivilized. And while the Gen language is widely spoken in the capital Lome, The Professor says it is not taught in schools.

    Gen is one of about 39 languages spoke in Togo. A specialist in the UNESCO endangered language program says, by the end of the century, more than half of Africa's languages will be gone.

    The specialist Anahit Minasyan says a language needs speakers, preferably people who speak as their mother-tongue or first language. But she says a language at least needs people who can speak it as their second language.
    Anahit Minasyan专家表示,一门语言需要使用者,最好是作为母语或第一语言的使用者。但她表示,一门语言至少需要将其最为第二语言的使用者。

    If they are tiny, she says , a language is extinct. She says languages can die as a result of an increasingly globalized world.

    "People switch to a language or they raise their children in a language which they think will provide for a better economic opportunity in the future."

    Ms. Minasyan says in Africa, for example, people often switch to larger African languages — not necessarily to English or French, instead, people might switch to Hausa or Swahili or Wolof, these are more speakers and provide more economic opportunities than their mother tongues.

    Socio-linguist Komlan Essizewa says that today many young urban Togolese switch among several languages, these include the Mina language spoken in cities.
    社会语言学家Komlan Essizewa表示,如今许多多哥的城市年轻人转向了若干种语言,其中包括城里说的Mina语。

    "As a linguist, we have to be very worried about it. Because today, even when people move back to their village, they don't use the language of the village as it is."